Writings and thoughts from Brad Deifer

Brad Deifer Evo Recordings Raleigh, NC President/Founder

Thursday, January 12, 2006

Sheeps to Slaughter, and Happy again

Sheep To Slaughter

We have hospitals to cure the incurable.
We have legacies that stand on the own.
We have spineless vultures eating up civility
and athletes passing as god's.
Lecturers try to show us THEIR way
and truth has been sent out on the barge.
We have converts showing me which way to go
as we move into a brand new demographic market.
We are winners in an losers race and
our fruit is spoiled in our markets.
Lessons go unlearned and smiles unseen
as Vultures turn our Eagles mean.
The air is to thick to fly again ,
someone has just stolen the food from our cupboard
Holidays and vacations are focal points
as living takes a back seat to money.
Songs are sung that have no clear words,
hero's are a dime a dozen
Screens and modems are big brothers eye
as we move to another philosophical level.
Future is brighter than the past has been,
Who is leading all these Sheep to Slaughter?

Happy Again

Clawing aimlessly against the rubber walls,
He felt only his bone on the acrylic casing.
Punching through callused knuckles...

Anything to escape ... anything !

Tears filled his eyes.
He knows many others have been here
... others,
But where are they ... How are they... Are they still here


Slowly he falls back ... sighs
looks up at the ceiling
... and dreams.

It is all glass ...
It is all glass.

Beautiful sun , vibrant and alive...
Birds & clouds intermigled ... and exciting.
New ... Very new !

Still he remains very cold...
He sees that sun ...
but, oh so very cold

he shivers and trembles

All these rubber walls and glass ceilings ...
Then...standing upright...

He rams his head into a pool of warm blood...
His own !

And he was happy again !